How made WarGod scan counter strike

April 7, 2020 Off By admin

wargood cheat defender how to

How made WarGod scan?

What is a WarGod and how to scan it? These are very important questions and every fan of Counter Strike must to know answers. So let‘s know about it.

What is a WarGod?

A WarGod (or just wg) is an app. If you will use it, you can scan a folder of Counter Strike and the files like dll, cfg and so on, also. A good thing is that this app will inform you about the files, which are not allowed.

So, every fan of Counter Strike wants a conscientious game. And this app is a very nice way to make sure that the game will be clear and conscientious.

 How made WarGod scan?

So, let‘s know more how to do it. There are just a few simply steps.

  1. Just open a browser and click
  2. Download recommended version wargods cheat defender. If you are using an antivirus program, just turn it off. When you will finish scan of WarGod, turn it on.
  3. Run the WarGod.
  4. Click the SCAN.
  5. Wait just a few seconds ar a few minutes.
  6. When you will finish, show the link to admin.

Attention: you can‘t turn off the game, when you scanning.