How made WarGod scan counter strike
April 7, 2020
How made WarGod scan?
What is a WarGod and how to scan it? These are very important questions and every fan of Counter Strike must to know answers. So let‘s know about it.
What is a WarGod?
A WarGod (or just wg) is an app. If you will use it, you can scan a folder of Counter Strike and the files like dll, cfg and so on, also. A good thing is that this app will inform you about the files, which are not allowed.
So, every fan of Counter Strike wants a conscientious game. And this app is a very nice way to make sure that the game will be clear and conscientious.
How made WarGod scan?
So, let‘s know more how to do it. There are just a few simply steps.
- Just open a browser and click
- Download recommended version wargods cheat defender. If you are using an antivirus program, just turn it off. When you will finish scan of WarGod, turn it on.
- Run the WarGod.
- Click the SCAN.
- Wait just a few seconds ar a few minutes.
- When you will finish, show the link to admin.
Attention: you can‘t turn off the game, when you scanning.